February 27, 2025

SSH access is often required to make edits to your DreamHost account.   To log into your domain on DreamHost using SSH You will first need to make sure that the username for your domain is a Shell username.  This is done in the DreamHost panel.  Once you are logged in you will click Users -> Manage Users and under the Actions column for the username you will click Edit pictured below:

DreamHost Web Panel > Users _ Manage Users


After clicking Edit you will then choose Shell for the username and click Save Changes

DreamHost Web Panel > Users _ Manage Users-2

After about 15 minutes you can log in by opening Terminal.  Go to Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal or you can open a Finder window and near the top right type Terminal and choose the black icon that appears in the search results.Using Terminal you can log in using the following command:

ssh yourusername@server.dreamhost.com

If you have a VPS like me you are going to use the VPS number and dreamhostps.com like so:

ssh aaaanewuser@ps15094.dreamhostps.com

You will then be asked if you want to log in.  The text will look like this:

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

You will type yes and hit enter where you will then enter your password.  After typing in your password you are now logged into your DreamHost account with Shell access and can use Linux commands to make changes to your domain.


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